Thilana Roussouw
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Barry De Goede
Jasmiena Latief
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Sonya Stephenson
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Karel Van Der Molen
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Christene Mouton
Associated Filing Slutions
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Mocke Vermeulen
Tax Consultant, Bookkeper
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Michael Walker
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Shawn Van Der Berg
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Dr Mario Denton
Johannsi Steenhuis
Nicky Lowe
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Thilana Roussouw
Thilana is the founder and Director of DEAL Training Consultants cc established in 1998 and registered as a Close Corporation in 2000.
Thilana has twenty-seven years experience in the field of education and training. She was a Chief Training Adviser at the South African Management and Development Institute (SAMDI) and Training Manager at Khayalethu Home Loans (Pty) Ltd.
Programme design:
Thilana designs and develops training and assessment materials for most of the DEAL learning and skills programs, facilitates and manages the accreditation process.
Public speaking:
Thilana is a reputable public speaker and presents motivational talks to various institutions, including national and international training providers:
Range of topics include:
- Self-motivation
- Goal setting and achievement: How direction and purpose give meaning in the workplace
- Emotional Intelligence
- Personal leadership and self-empowerment
- Self and stress management
- The super woman syndrome
- Breathing techniques and meditation
- Public speaking and presentation skills
- Together we make a difference – How to develop team spirit
- How to build authentic power in the workplace
- Doing the right things for the right reasons – Leadership
- Mapping your career
- Mentorship: Helping others to help themselves
- The joy diet – A positive life approach
- Facilitation experience:
- Business administrative services: Office Administration
- Life skills
- Management
- Supervisory
- Leadership
- Personal empowerment
- Qualifications:
- B.Admin degree
- Certificate in HR Training and Development
- Breathing Therapist in Prime Breathing and Meditation
- Registered ETDP Constituent Assessor and Moderator in Education and
- Training
Barry De Goede
Barry thrives on executing Strategy effectively. A seasoned practitioner in effectively developing and executing Strategy for multicultural organisations globally, Barry combines 12 years of Leadership, Strategic Direction and Management training, qualifications and experience gained as a British Army Officer with more recent endeavours developing and implementing Strategy for private sector organisations across the African continent.
Countering the uncertain, complex and chaotic business environment of the 21st C through simplifying and clarifying Strategy, Barry drives implementation forward in a manner that creates focus, unifies purpose, builds trust, creates internal organizational stability and empowers people.
Barry espouses the principles of Directed Opportunism in analyzing and executing Strategy. The key to this is the following:
- Decide what really matters
- Get your message across clearly and succinctly.
Give your people the freedom and support to act.
Working through your organisation’s Management, Barry introduces the philosophy and a few tools and techniques for getting your organisation moving forward. In line with the Strategic Intent, activity is turned into effective action and results.
Barry joined the British Army in 2003 where he passed the world renowned 1 year Leadership and Management course at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst with distinction. Followed by numerous global and national deployments, Barry enjoyed noted success in analyzing, interpreting, developing and executing Strategy at various organizational levels in highly complex, uncertain and chaotic environments.
Returning to South Africa, Barry has worked in Strategy development and execution for a number of businesses seeking growth or change in South Africa and the wider African continent. Sectors and industries include, Infrastructure Development, Oil and Gas, Defence and Aerospace and Safety and Security.
Barry is a Professional Associate of the Stellenbosch University School of Public Leadership Public Leadership Forum; a platform bringing together leaders from across society to address solutions to ‘wicked’ problems in good governance and service delivery across Africa.
Barry holds a BA degree in History from UCT, post-graduate Certificates in Strategic Direction and Leadership from Manchester Business School and is an accredited UK Systems Approach to Training (SATs) instructor.
Jasmiena Latief
Jasmiena Latief is a facilitator for the D.E.A.L. Course in Professional & Business Writing and the Course in Meetings & Minute Taking.
Experience: Jasmiena has more than five years experience in the field of Skills Development and is a lecturer at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology.
Lecturing experience include:
- Course: ND Office Management and Technology
- Subjects:
- Information Administration 1 and 2
- Business Administration 2
- Synopsis of Information Administration:
- Basic and intermediate computing skills including packages such as MS Word, Ms Excel, MS PowerPoint and MS Access
- Basic End User Pastel Version 8.12
- Theoretical component covers basic computing to information management
- Synopsis of Business administration
- Theoretical component covers all aspects of office management
- Problem solving and decision making
- General Management
- Theories of management
- Managing and controlling office equipment and furniture
- Space management
- Introduction to Ergonomics
- Budgeting and cost control
- Productivity
- Practical Component included travel arrangements, arranging events, forms designs and creating manuals
Training experience include:
- Business Administration level 4
- Minute Taking
- Client Care
- Telephone etiquette
Range of experience includes:
- Basic office administration
- Training and facilitation
- Development of assessment tools and guides
- Assessment and Moderation services
- Material alignment to registered unit standards
- Material development against unit standards (Business Administration)
- Formatting of existing course material
- Completed a Btech Degree in Commercial administration
- Registered Assessor at the Services SETA
- Registered Moderator at the Services SETA
Sonya Stephenson has been a facilitator in Business and Professional Writing and Report Writing with DEAL Training for 15 years.
She is has extensive teaching experience and is currently a lecturer and subject co-ordinator in Business Communication Skills at CPUT’s Business Faculty where she has taught since 1992. She previously taught secondary school English and Afrikaans for the Cape Education Department and has served as both chief examiner and sub-examiner for the Transkei and Cape National Senior Certificate examinations. In addition, she has presented many in-house training sessions on Business Writing, Study Skills and Assertiveness for both private and public companies.
Sonya holds a BA (HDE) degree from UCT and MTech in Business Administration from CPUT. Her research niche area is Emotional Intelligence in successful students, and she has presented several conference papers on this subject both locally and nationally. She is currently pursuing her doctoral studies in emotional intelligence and issues of cultural identity in the workplace.
Sonya is a keen public speaker and is a member of Toastmasters International. She has mentored several speakers through this programme, and won many awards for prepared and impromptu speaking. Sonya is currently club secretary for Good Hope Toastmasters.
Sonya has two children and is married to Pete. They are keen motor-cyclists and enjoy jogging and gardening in their spare time.
Sonya is dedicated to assisting all her students to achieve their personal goals, to believe in themselves and their unique talents, and to strive for excellence to build better lives for themselves and their communities.
Karel van der Molen
Karel van der Molen is a facilitator for the D.E.A.L. Course in Report Writing.
Karel is an admitted attorney and a registered human resource practitioner, having obtained various qualifications in law, human resource management and financial services, in addition to gaining extensive experience in both the private and public sector environments.
He is an Extraordinary Lecturer with the School of Public Management and Planning at Stellenbosch University. In that capacity he has been involved in the provision of comprehensive range of human resource services including recruitment and selection, personnel orientation and development and industrial and labour law issues. He has also lectured, facilitated and consulted widely to a wide variety of institutions, organisations and companies, nationally and internationally.
Prior to this, Karel worked for the Department of Justice and, after working for a firm of attorneys in Cape Town, joined a major financial institution, working first as a legal adviser, later moving into senior management and the field of human resource management and development. His specialist presentation and research interests include Human Resource Strategy and Planning, Organisational and Individual Assessment, People Development and Management, Training and Development, Institutional Transformation and Design, Programme, Project and Strategic Management and Business Planning, Performance Management, Corporate Governance, Competition and Regulation in the Public Sector and Labour and Industrial Relations.
This combination of background and experience has given Karel an enduring passion for people, their growth, development and empowerment, which has led to a strong commitment to and involvement in working with people as individuals and within organisations.
Mocke Vermeulen
Tax Consutant and Bookkeeper
Mocke graduated from the Universities of Stellenbosch, Bloemfontein and UNISA and holds a Master’s Degree in Education.
For the past twenty years Mocke has been the owner and managing member of A A M Vermeulen Financial Services rendering a financial service to several organizations, including schools, small and medium enterprises.
He is a registered Tax Practitioner at SAIT (South African Institute of Tax Practitioners) and holds a GENTAX qualification obtained via UNISA.
He has been the bookkeeper, business advisor and tax consultant for DEAL Training for the past sixteen years.
His motto in life:
Each and everyone can have financial freedom by simply applying the golden rules of financial intelligence.
Michael Walker
Michael is a language specialist, and presenter for the DEAL Courses in Communication Skills.
Michael holds a BA in English and Industrial Psychology, an MA in Linguistics and a teaching diploma from the University of Cambridge.
He has worked as a Director of Studies and Principal of an English Language school, a sub-editor on DRUM magazine and a trainer for a global developer and provider of online educational solutions. He has trained teachers and administrators in places as diverse as Costa Rica and Kazakhstan.
In 2012, Michael started Language Boss, a small training company that specialises in two areas: training people to write properly in the workplace and teaching Business English to non-native English speakers. Language Boss’s courses can be delivered face-to-face, or they can be delivered as a blended model – a combination of face-to-face and e-learning.
Michael believes that when people write and speak better, they think better; they communicate better; they relate to others better. Better writing and speaking can change organisations for the better.
Shawn van der Berg
She has 23 years in senior management positions of operational and human resources and training. Changed careers and worked as graphic designer and manager with printing company managing marketing campaigns and corporate layouts. Managed and presented computer training courses for ICDL students and general entry level computing.
Over the past six years acted as external moderator for Services SETA, internal moderator for several clients as well as facilitator and assessor across both soft skills programmes and full learnerships. She has extensive experience and has been part of the DEAL Team since 2007. She is a leading consultant and render the following services to DEAL Training Consultants:
- Material Development
- Course Facilitator
- Assessor
- Moderator
Dr Mario Denton
Dr. Mario Denton is the study leader of 160 MBA research projects, published 15 books, two case studies, a chapter in book and published 6 international articles and delivering papers at 32 conferences world-wide.
He is an industrial psychologist, international teacher, two counseling diplomas and two master’s degrees, (M Econ and MBA) and completed his PhD as well as DBA in Organizational Behavior and Business Administration. He has presented People Management practices 44 times consecutively to MBA students and trained about 3000 participants of which 300 MBA students in Emotional Intelligence. He is currently the CEO for Strong Message Business Consultancy, the True Africa Leadership Institute Director for Africa as well as the Africa Director for 2=1 and Character First.
Dr. Denton uses his strong Christian, academic, corporate background and his uniquely effective coaching to help people tap into their inner being to utilize their strengths and expand their skills and to make a difference in the workplace. He teaches people management, leadership, emotional and spiritual intelligence, and organizational behavior and change management. He is an optimist who possesses a passion for people and tutoring and a real love for life. He has devoted his career so far to people management and facilitating complex and perpetual change.
Mario is actively involved in training marketplace leaders in stewardship, Business by the Book and other Kingdom training programs and also involved with the local Haggai group in Cape Town.
Dr Mario Denton is a passionate Career Direct Master Trainer and Business Coach
Strengthsfinder qualities: Futuristic, Maximizer, Ideation, Responsibility, Strategic
Johannsi Steenhuis
Johannsi Steenhuis is a Senior Facilitator and has been training for almost 15 years. She is a Facilitator for DEAL with the absolute passion of maximizing people’s potential by means of holistic Life Skills Training & the application of universal principles on all spheres of life.
Johannsi has a heart for seeing people achieve success and happiness, and enjoys the process of creating the ‘WOH moments’ in training and development…
Her background is Psychology, Motivational Speaker, HR- & Business Management, Skills Development Facilitator, Psychological Education & Assessor / Moderator. Her fields of expertise are:
- Learning design and development
- Portfolio of evidence assessments
- Design & develop assessments
- Facilitate the personal development modules in learnership qualification
- Marketing of behavioural soft skills
- Coaching 1-1
- Emotional Intelligence
- Finance for Non-Financial Managers
- Conflict Management
- Supervision by Project Principles
- Leadership for Supervisors & Junior MX
- Management & Leaders for Office Administrators
- Self-Mastery & Personal Growth
- Co-ordinate events, meetings
- Self and time mx
- Programme in Office Admin
- Plan, monitor & control and information system
- Process incoming & outgoing calls
- Report Writing
- Supervisory Skills for Leaders
- Professional Communication: Business Writing & Presentation Skills
- Customer care
- Change MX
- Employee Empowerment
- Building High Performance Teams
- Strategies to maintain workplace relationships
- Advanced Leadership Development Programme
- Negotiation Skills
- Best practice & quality mx
- Lead People
- Strategic & Operational Planning
- Knowledge Mx
- Diversity MX
- Competency-based recruitment
- Selection & coaching for Managers
- Innovation Management
- Call Centre Training
Nicky Lowe
Nicky Lowe is the DEAL consultant in Communication Skills for DEAL in the Gauteng region.
Nicky has lectured at tertiary level for almost three decades in Business Communication and related subjects, presenting papers at conferences locally and abroad, from Edinburgh to Melbourne, and has published in peer-reviewed and online journals as well as chapters in books. She has chaired forums, such as the 2014 Skills Development Summit. She has written course material and facilitated workshops from Durban to Lagos. She has presented workshops and seminars for Wits University, corporates and the Association of College and University Housing Officers International in Africa.